My sons school are doing a bake sale today at lunch time in aid of Children in Need, which I very nearly forgot about! Thankfully I managed to throw together some ingredients together to whip something up. Thank goodness for the marvellous queen of cakes Mary Berry, and her Lemon Drizzle Tray Bake.

I am usually the organised one. I already have my 2019 diary filled in with school holidays, summer holiday, birthdays, anniversaries and the next dental appointments. How this slipped passed the radar is beyond me. Regardless I had to roll my sleeves up, drag the husband into the kitchen to help, and get cracking.

I had managed to sort Cal out with a very cool dude outfit thanks to manic trip to George at Asda (not an ad, was the only place with spotty anything left). I just needed to sort a dairy free cake out. I do begrudge this sort of thing, I’ll be honest. Part of me just wants to hand a few quid over instead but when you have an allergy kid there is no way around it! If you don’t bake the cake, they don’t get to buy any and that isn’t fair on him really. I do wonder sometimes how much ends up in the teacher staff room too! Mainly because both his class teacher and TA were stood at the door rubbing their hands asking what I was going to be bringing in!

Ah well it is for a good cause, and if they manage to enjoy a slice or two they deserve it for being super hero teachers at the end of the day. I know I couldn’t be a teacher for a living! Haha!

Right the recipe is below. Bake it, share it, enjoy it! The next one I may use Lavender infused sugar, you will have to keep an eye on my social to see how it turns out.


Sophie xx

Dairy Free Lemon Drizzle Tray Bake
5 from 7 votes

Dairy Free Lemon Drizzle Tray Bake

This is a deliciously mouthwatering slice of heaven. If you are a fan of Lemon Drizzle anything, this is definitely the one to bake!

Course cake, Dessert
Prep Time 5 minutes
Servings 24 Slices
Author Original recipe by Mary Berry, adpated by wifemotherlife


  • 275 g Self Raising Flour
  • 225 g Dairy Free Spread we use Flora which is soy free
  • 225 g Caster Sugar
  • 2 tsp Baking Powder
  • 4 tbsp Dairy Free Milk Alternative we used oat milk
  • 4 large Free Range Eggs
  • 2 Lemons Zest


  • 2 Lemons Juice
  • 150 g Granulated Sugar


  1. Pre heat the oven to 160 degrees C, and lightly grease a 20x30 cm tray. I used a foil tray which I usually wash and reuse. To grease I used coconut oil.

  2. In a large mixing bowl add all the ingredients for the batter and whisk with an electric hand mixer. It should combine quite quickly, so keep going until the batter is smooth.

  3. Pour the batter into the baking tray and with a spatula or spoon, smooth the thick batter into the corners of the tray. Make sure the batter is evenly distributed across the tray, then pop it into the middle of your oven for 35-40 mins until a skewer comes out clean.

  4. Once baked, leave to cool for 5 mins before pricking the top of the cake with a fork. This will help the lemon absorb better.

  5. In a small bowl combine the granulated sugar and lemon, then slowly spoon the mixture ove the cake. Go slowly so the cake has time to absorb the lemony goodness! Leave to completely cool and watch the syrup form a crystal crust ontop of your cake.

  6. Cut into small pieces, I got 24 from mine, but you could do bigger slices if you wanted. Then sit back and enjoy a slice with a lovely cuppa!

Recipe Notes

You could easily swap the lemon in the recipe out for a grapfruit, to make a tangy refreshing slice. Or it may work well with a hint of lavender in it.

However you make it let me know how you got on with it!

6) Cut into small pieces, I got 24 from mine, but you could do bigger slices if you wanted. Then sit back and enjoy a slice with a lovely cuppa!

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  1. Would this recipe work in a loaf tin? Or need to be in two loaf tins maybe? thanks!

    1. It could work well, yes. I haven’t tried it myself. Maybe put the tin lower in the oven and allow longer for it cook all the way through withour burning the edges? Let me know if it works! x

  2. 5 stars
    I love this recipe! It is my go to when I am short on time and need a reliable cake. It’s so tasty and moist

    1. Love this! Thank you so much for coming back and commenting on my recipe. Really appreciate it xx

  3. 5 stars
    Not a vegan but have a daughter who is dairy free so we do a lot of dairy free bakes which can be hard to find. Some recipes I find are quite heavy, All the family love this and its so light. Now would like to put poppy seeds in the cake but how much should I put in and what do I substitute the seeds for? Thank you so much for this recipe.

    1. I am so glad you and your daughter are able to enjoy this recipe. It is definitely one of our favourites here xx

    2. Amazing recipe , my nephew is dairy free so made it last week . That delicious I made another this week just for us , we aren’t dairy free but it’s so good and really light .

      1. Always so amazing to hear of readers making recipes I share! Thank you so much for coming back and commenting. It really does mean so much to me. And yes to light and fluffy lemon cake 🙂 Sophie x

  4. 5 stars
    I made this Lemon Drizzle Cake for a friend who is gluten tolerant and dairy free, absolutely delicious the sponge so moist, she even said normally the receipes she has used are always dry. I did cut down the sugar to 100grms instead of 150grms, lol i didn’t get any to bring home, she had put it in her cake tin.

    1. I always have to make extra batches whenever I make this recipe Lesley, for no other reason than so I can get some! So glad your friend enjoyed so much too. I know how lovely it is when someone remembers you have intolerances xx

  5. 5 stars
    My best friend is dairy free, and so I made this for her, we are seeing her later!

    1. Let me know how it goes down Elisheba! I know it is a firm favourite here and I always get requests for it if anyone knows I am making a batch xx

  6. 5 stars
    My best friend is dairy free, and so because although she lives about 20 miles away she comes round a few times a month, I have made this twice! I can’t find many new cakes but she and her brother love it. The first time I didn’t have lemons, I had to use bought lemon juice. The second time, last Tuesday, I did. Because there was zest, it tasted a lot better, (her brother said so too!) I recommend using zest. Love for the recipe all round!

    1. You are a very good friend Elisheba! And yes the cake always tastes better with the zest in. So glad you all enjoyed it so much 🙂 Sophie x

      1. 5 stars
        Thank you! I’m trying it with real butter next time I make it, which is later.

  7. It is definitely the best cake I’ve found for her, her brother loves it too, and my bro! It’s much better with zest, everyone agreed! (The first time I didn’t have lemons, had to use bought lemon juice)

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